
Humo Magazine

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

not really concerned about the content one way or the other but think it a little weak to have one's campaign based upon a foreign culture. Is their own culture not rich enough to comment upon?

Anónimo dijo...

Brilliant & hysterical. Thank you.

Humor that transcends language barriers is always more successful when dealing with things that are quickly recognized worldwide. Iconic images from the USA, whether loved or hated, are easy vehicles to drive across both language and cultural barriers everywhere, Communication is the underlying goal--well achieved in this case.


Mariló García dijo...

Humo is Belgian, not Spanish. I don't understand when you said that my own culture not rich enough to comment upon...

Anónimo dijo...

The above poster meant that all of the ads are based on American themes and very finely tuned American ideals. And HUMO is NOT Belgian, it's Austrian. Always has been, always well be.